data class TvEpisodeDetails(val airDate: LocalDate?, val crew: List<CreditListResult> = emptyList(), val episodeNumber: Int?, val guestStars: List<CreditListResult> = emptyList(), val name: String?, val overview: String?, val id: Int?, val mediaType: MediaType?, val episodeType: TvEpisodeType?, val productionCode: String?, val runtime: Int?, val seasonNumber: String?, val showId: Int?, val stillPath: String?, val voteAverage: Double?, val voteCount: Int?, val order: Int?, val changes: TvEpisodeChanges?, val credits: TvEpisodeCredits?, val externalIds: TvEpisodeExternalIds?, val images: TvEpisodeImages?, val translations: TvEpisodeTranslations?, val videos: TvEpisodeVideos?) : TmdbType, TmdbIntId
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constructor(airDate: LocalDate?, crew: List<CreditListResult> = emptyList(), episodeNumber: Int?, guestStars: List<CreditListResult> = emptyList(), name: String?, overview: String?, id: Int?, mediaType: MediaType?, episodeType: TvEpisodeType?, productionCode: String?, runtime: Int?, seasonNumber: String?, showId: Int?, stillPath: String?, voteAverage: Double?, voteCount: Int?, order: Int?, changes: TvEpisodeChanges?, credits: TvEpisodeCredits?, externalIds: TvEpisodeExternalIds?, images: TvEpisodeImages?, translations: TvEpisodeTranslations?, videos: TvEpisodeVideos?)
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