class TvEpisodesApi
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fun changes(episodeId: Int, startDate: LocalDate? = null, endDate: LocalDate? = null, page: Int? = null): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeChanges>
Get the changes for a TV episode. By default only the last 24 hours are returned.
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fun credits(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int, language: LocaleCode? = null): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeCredits>
Get the credits (cast, crew and guest stars) for a TV episode
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fun details(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int, language: LocaleCode? = null, vararg append: TvEpisodeRequest): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeDetails>
Get the TV episode details by id.
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fun externalIds(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeExternalIds>
Get the external ids for a TV episode.
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fun images(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int, language: LocaleCode? = null, vararg includeLanguage: LocaleCode?): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeImages>
Get the images that belong to a TV episode.
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fun removeRating(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int, session: Session): Flow.Publisher<Unit>
Remove your rating for a TV episode.
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fun translations(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeTranslations>
Get the translation data for an episode
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fun videos(tvId: Int, seasonNumber: Int, episodeNumber: Int, language: LocaleCode? = null): Flow.Publisher<TvEpisodeVideos>
Get the videos that have been added to a TV episode