Returns all of the alternative titles for a TV show
Get the changes for a TV show. By default only the last 24 hours are returned.
Get the list of content ratings (certifications) that have been added to a TV show
Get the credits (cast and crew) that have been added to a TV show
Get the primary TV show details by id.
Get all of the episode groups that have been created for a TV show. With a group ID you can call the TvEpisodeGroupsApi.details method
Get the external ids for a TV show
Get a list of TV shows that are airing today. This query is purely day based as we do not currently support airing times.
Get a list of shows that are currently on the air.
Get a list of the current popular TV shows on TMDb. This list updates daily
Get a list of the top rated TV shows on TMDb
Get the images that belong to a TV show.
Get the keywords that have been added to a TV show
Get the most newly created TV show. This is a live response and will continuously change
Get the list of TV show recommendations for this item
Remove your rating for a TV show.
Get the reviews for a TV show
Get a list of seasons or episodes that have been screened in a film festival or theatre
Get a list of similar TV shows. These items are assembled by looking at keywords and genres
Get a list of the translations that exist for a TV show
Get the videos that have been added to a TV show